Everrett Prostrollo 2025

Santa Everrett Prostrollo, Instructor/Volunteer Staff

Santa Everrett Prostrollo hails from Richmond Hill, Georgia and retired from the Air Force in 2007. He holds a BA in Business Management and a Master of Science in the Administration of Justice and Security. Everrett’s start as Santa came shortly before 2020, the same way countless others before him have come. He was asked to be Santa at a church Christmas party. Despite wearing the simplest suit, a $2 hat, and dollar store glasses, his charm and personality won over the guests. 

He regularly attends the Northern Lights Santa Academy, always with his Mrs. Claus wife Dana, and both have graduated with an Advanced Professional Holiday Doctorate (Advanced PhD). They enhance their training with hundreds of hours of online professional Santa and Mrs. Claus training and local improv classes each year. 

Santa Everrett is a member of the International Brotherhood of Real Bearded Santas, and his beard is registered # 7929 with the National Beard Registry. He has appeared on local broadcast television, local magazine stories and ads, and his likeness has been used as a business’s Christmas card to its customers. He recently recorded his first television commercial through the National Santa Agency.

Based out of the metro-Atlanta, Georgia area, the Northern Lights Santa Academy is the largest Santa school in the Southeastern United States, serving Santa Clauses, Mrs. Clauses and Santa's Helpers in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia, as well as throughout the country. For more information about our Santa school, please contact us.  

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Northern Lights Santa Academy

PO Box 29160

Atlanta, GA 30359
