Stacey Ramirez, Guest Instructor
Stacey Ramirez joined The ARC team in 2015 as the Director of the Georgia State Office. Stacey shares The ARC’s steadfast belief that every person has gifts and the capacity to exceed the often-arbitrary expectations that our society imposes. She welcomed the opportunity to work with The ARC chapters of Georgia to contribute to the statewide improvement of supports and services for individuals with disabilities and their family members to be productive, engaged members of their communities.
Before joining The ARC team, Stacey was the Director of Individual and Family Supports at the Center for Leadership in Disability (CLD) at Georgia State University. There, she increased knowledge and skills in community inclusion, person-centered planning and culturally competent family supports with a particular focus in furthering the civil and human rights of people with intellectual disabilities.
In Georgia, she is a proud supporter of the People First, chair of the local AAIDD chapter, an advisory board member for the Crisis Intervention Team training to educate first responders in interactions with people with MH and I/DD, and a member of the Autism Advisory Council to the Department on Developmental Disabilities for the development of supports and services for adults in services on the autism spectrum.
Outside of her career, Stacey is the proud mom of three amazing boys: Rico – 24 y/o, Ryan – 23 y/o, and Rey – 19 y/o. Her middle son has autism and has been the muse for her career. His strong advocacy for inclusion keeps Stacey on her toes learning more about inclusive education, customized employment and community building.
Based out of the metro-Atlanta, Georgia area, the Northern Lights Santa Academy is the largest Santa school in the Southeastern United States, serving Santa Clauses, Mrs. Clauses and Santa's Helpers in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia, as well as throughout the country. For more information about our Santa school, please contact us.
Northern Lights Santa Academy
PO Box 29160
Atlanta, GA 30359