Santa Michael Stewart NLSA 1

Sant Michael Stewart, Instructor

Santa Michael Stewart has worn the Red Suit since 2009, but has had a passion for character performance, edutainment, and historical figures his entire life. From his earliest attempts at famous figures, Ebenezer Scrooge in his elementary school Christmas Pageant, WC Fields in a radio contest when only a thirteen-year-old, and St. Nicholas of Myra for a church for his friend who saw Santa in him before he did himself, Santa Michael has brought his love of the past into the present. As Lord Mayor of the Carolina Renaissance Festival since 1998, he’s never been afraid of being a boisterous, round, bearded fellow who keeps lists and checks them twice. 

Santa Michael gets his love of history from his Dad, who also had a passion for it. He may not know anyone who attended the Grammys, but he knows the history of the invention of recorded sound. He may have missed his calling as a historian but still finds ways to share it with those around him. As an instructor for the Renaissance Festival, he provides the historical context for the show with his presentation, “The Past Without the Plague,” which is always a favorite. 

His love of history has benefited him in a successful trivia business and even an appearance on Jeopardy! 

He is lucky to have a fellow Claus in his wife, Lindsay, and they spend their holiday season sharing the things they love with those they love in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Based out of the metro-Atlanta, Georgia area, the Northern Lights Santa Academy is the largest Santa school in the Southeastern United States, serving Santa Clauses, Mrs. Clauses and Santa's Helpers in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia, as well as throughout the country. For more information about our Santa school, please contact us.  

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Northern Lights Santa Academy

PO Box 29160

Atlanta, GA 30359
