Sheryl K. Pruitt, M.Ed., ET/P, Facilitator

Ms. Pruitt is the Clinical Director of Parkaire Consultants, a clinic she founded to serve neurologically impaired individuals. Prior to the founding of Parkaire Consultants, Ms. Pruitt conducted a State of Georgia exemplary Model Learning Disability Program and taught behavior-disordered students in a psychoeducational setting.

Ms. Pruitt served on the Board of Directors of the Tourette Syndrome Association of Georgia for six years and also served on the national Tourette Syndrome Association’s Education Committee. She was a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Tourette Syndrome Association of Georgia and South Carolina as well as the Tourette Spectrum Disorder Association of California. She is a member of the Professional Advisory Board of the Tourette Syndrome Foundation of Canada and also served on the Board of Directors for the Association of Educational therapists for three years. 

Ms. Pruitt has co-authored several books including Teaching the Tiger, Tigers Too, and Challenging Kids, Challenged Teachers. She is also a contributor to the Tourette Foundation of Canada’s Handbook For Educators: Understanding Tourette Syndrome. She has two sons with neurological disorders and understands the problem from a personal as well as a professional point of view. 

Ms. Pruitt is an author and speaker who educates children, adolescents and adults about neurological disorders and the coping skills needed to remediate deficit areas caused by these disorders. She speaks locally, nationally, and internationally on neurological disorders. Ms. Pruitt teaches professional seminars and learning courses for health care professionals and educators. 

At the clinic, Ms. Pruitt sees children, adolescents, and adults. She teaches clients about their neurological disorders using PowerPoint presentations. She uses the knowledge from years of clinical experience as well as the experiences from raising her own children and dealing with their neurological disorders to assist individuals with their neurological disorders. 

Ms. Pruitt advises families on the educational impact of neurological disorders on learning, behavior, and socialization. She assists parents in learning alternate skills for raising children who have not responded to traditional parenting strategies. 

Ms. Pruitt co-leads two groups for adolescents and young adults which promote social skills and transitioning into post secondary placement as well as into adulthood.  

We are proud to welcome Ms. Pruitt to our team at the Fall session of the Northern Lights Santa Academy as a facilitator for our Special Needs Workshop - Visits with Santa.

Based out of the metro-Atlanta, Georgia area, the Northern Lights Santa Academy is the largest Santa school in the Southeastern United States, serving Santa Clauses, Mrs. Clauses and Santa's Helpers in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia, as well as throughout the country. For more information about our Santa school, please contact us.  

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Atlanta, GA 30359
